Perbandingan Kemampuan Tanaman Semanggi Air (Marsilea crenata) dan Pakis Lidah Kolam (Microsorum pteropus) dalam Menurunkan Parameter Fisik Air Limbah Tinja Supit Urang
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Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT) is is a domestic wastewater treatment system. The treatment process at IPLT Supit Urang uses phytoremediation. The use of water clover (Marsilea crenata) and Java fern (Microsorum pteropus) has never been used as a phytoremediator for fecal waste water in Supit Urang IPLT. This study aims to compare the ability of the phytoremediators of Water clover (Marsilea crenata) and Java fern (Microsorum pteropus) to control particles in a more efficient waste treatment process in the Supit Urang IPLT. Experimental method by observing 4 times within 4 weeks, the parameters tested were temperature, TDS, EC, and TSS. Uij Tukey statistical analysis to compare the ability of each treatment to control wastewater particles. The results showed that there were differences in the parameter values for each treatment. Where the water clover plant (Marsilea crenata) and Java fern (Microsorum pteropus) have a relatively indistinguishable ability to reduce environmental parameter values observed in wastewater, with the most effective time being 7-14 days.
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