Types of medicinal plants found in Kute Titi Pasir, Semadam District, Southeast Aceh Regency
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The purpose of this study was to determine the types of medicinal herbs and plant organs used as medicines by the community in Titi Pasir Village, Semadam District, Southeast Aceh Administrative Region. A qualitative description was used, during which the morphological characteristics of plant species, including medicinal plants, found in medicinal research sites were described. The research process consisted of three stages: observation, sampling and identification. The result of the study showed that plants with medicinal properties found in home gardens were red chilli, small chilli, bitter melon, jasmine, pulai, noni and yarrow. Tomato, eggplant, bidura, water spinach and cucumber were found in the gardens. Roots, stems, leaves and fruits were used medicinally in the community.
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