The Effect of Concentration Eco-Enzyme Averrhoa Bilimbi L. Fruit On Antimicrobial Activity
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This study determined the antimicrobial activity of the eco-enzyme of A. bilimbi L. fruit with various concentrations against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typii, and Candida albicans. The antimicrobial test was carried out using the disc diffusion method and analyzed by measuring the inhibition zone produced. The eco-enzyme of A. bilimbi L. fruit effectively inhibits the growth of S. typii and E. coli at a concentration of 75%. It generates an inhibitory zone measuring 7.12 mm in E. coli and 4.92 mm in S. typii. Eco-enzyme concentrations of 50% with an inhibitory power of 5.42 mm are good antibacterial concentrations for S. aureus. In the antifungal test, C. albicans growth may be inhibited by 3.54 mm at a 100% concentration of eco-enzyme. The eco-enzyme of A. bilimbi L. fruit can inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus), gram-negative bacteria (E. coli and S. typii) and fungi (C. albicans).
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