Implementation of Education Category Based-Green Campus Concept Using UI GreenMetric In Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW)
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A green campus is one solution for realizing sustainable development. Universities as part of the global community which is a forum for the development of technology, science and innovation need to be involved in overcoming problems that arise due to the impact of climate change and sustainable development. The aims of this research are to 1) determine the implementation of the green campus in the UKSW environment in the educational aspect, 2) analyze the status of the green campus in the UKSW environment in the educational aspect, 3) recommend development improvement steps that need to be taken to achieve the fulfillment of all aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB ) according to the indicators on the GreenMetric UI. This research uses quantitative descriptive methods. Green campus indicators use UI GreenMetric 2022 in the education aspect. The highest score obtained by UKSW based on the UI GreenMetric indicator includes 1) the ratio of courses related to sustainability compared to all courses, 2) the number of campus events/activities related to sustainability, 3) the number of student organizations related to sustainability, 4) the number of cultural activities on campus. campus (e.g. Cultural Festival) including virtual activities, 5) number of university programs to improve teaching and learning. Meanwhile, categories that still require development include sustainability websites managed by universities, the availability of sustainability reports, and the number of startups related to sustainability. UKSW already has a website about sustainability, but still needs to update information on activities related to sustainability. The sustainability report also still requires updating the sustainability aspect of the GreenMetric UI. The number of startups still needs to be increased, because they have not yet reached the maximum score.
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