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This research aims to analyze the understanding of prospective biology teachers regarding the Nature of Science (NOS) as an important foundation in science education. The method used is a quantitative descriptive survey with the Views of Nature of Science (VNOS) Form B questionnaire instrument. This research involves first-year students of the biology education program as participants. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics to determine the percentage of their understanding of NOS based on seven indicator aspects, namely the provisional nature, empirical basis, subjectivity, human inference, creativity, socio-cultural context, and the distinction between observation and inference. The results show that the average understanding of NOS among students falls into the good category with a score of 76%. However, understanding of the aspects of subjectivity, socio-cultural context, and the difference between scientific theory and scientific law still needs to be improved. A strong understanding of NOS will support prospective teachers in teaching science more critically and meaningfully to students, as well as prepare them to face scientific challenges in the future.
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